Monday, March 16, 2009

Vocabulary instruction method

To introduce a section in geography today, I had students use a method of learning vocabulary different from what they are used to. Normally they would write the term and copy the definition from the back of the book.

In the method used today, I had them create a table 3 boxes across and 11 rows (11 terms). In the first box they w0uld write the term. In the second box they would write their understanding of the term or using it a sentence that fits in context to the teaching unit. In the third box I had them draw a small picture that represents the term.

I think this method will be very useful to the range of students that I teach and will help them understand the terminology much better. The students complained a little because I required them to do something different than what they are used to....oh well. This change is for the better.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for giving the Instruction of
    .Really this is the one of the Best methode.
